Our Mission:


To Take Invention, and Design, to Light Speed™!



The Prime Directive:


To obliterate the Invention Development Model


Who I Am

My name is Jethro.


I’m the ‘Captain’ of SHIINE® ENTERPRISE, this virtual online ship you’re aboard.


SHIINE® ENTERPRISE may not seem like much at this point (or perhaps I’m doing it a disservice!), but in the future, it’ll be something else.


And of course, everything about SHIINE® ENTERPRISE will be set up to get you 2 things: Perfect Patent Protection on your invention, and successfully crowdfunding or licensing it to market, so it becomes part of the world.



As I said, it’s effectively a virtual online ship that inventors come aboard. The first step is to get inventors aboard, so they’re protected against the extreme dangers of the invention development industry, which is set up almost exclusively to make money out of inventors.


Once aboard, inventors learn about the invention development process, and receive extreme training in the ‘art’ of Invention Development. The biggest tool to teach this is The Inventor’s Journey™, which is a 10 step system, developed by myself, which guarantees getting perfect patent protection and successfully licensing or/and crowdfunding your invention to market for truly patentable and commercially viable inventions.


World-class programs, products, and services are available aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE, which are not available to inventors who aren't aboard.


One of the key differences between SHIINE® ENTERPRISE and any other competitors in the invention development industry, is that, once aboard, I’ll teach you and train you in the whole process of getting perfect patent protection, and getting to the step of successfully licensing and/or crowdfunding your invention, and you get to learn all of this BEFORE you even spend one penny on any service. This is radically different to other companies, which use marketing to try to get you to fall into their model, nearly always with debilitating effects to your invention, and your bank balance.


Effectively, what we’re talking about here is not just ‘invention development’- it’s INVENTOR development. In short, at SHIINE®, We Teach Mastery™.



We Teach Mastery™

The Inventor’s Journey™ Map


The Inventor’s Journey™ Map (full name: The Inventor’s Journey™ Map to Invention Success™), is a map which shows you all the steps you need to complete, in the exact order you need to complete them, to optimize your chances of getting perfect patent protection, and successfully licensing and/or crowdfunding your invention.


Before The Inventor’s Journey™ came along, first-time inventors really didn’t know what they were doing, and, in what can only be described as a kind of organized lemming jump, literally hundreds of thousands of inventors were unknowingly jumping into using invention development and promotion companies that often had less than 1 in 100 success rates of generating profit for inventors, and sometimes had less than 1 in 1000 success rate. The Inventor’s Journey™ (and in particular, The Map) has solved this problem- the Journey is now known (and taught) before you even begin:

Steps of The Inventor's Journey™


The steps of The Inventor's Journey™ are as follows: (carry them out step by step to get success with your invention)


1. PATENT SEARCH: Your Journey must always start with a world-class patent search to see if you can patent your idea. You need to do this to make sure you don’t spend thousands of dollars on patenting and prototyping your invention, only to find out from the patent office that it’s not patentable.


Services available here: PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™



2. PROVISIONAL PATENT: If your patent search comes back clear, then it's usually a good idea to get patent pending as soon as you can on your invention, otherwise someone else might file a patent application for the same idea, or disclose it publicly, which will stop you from being able to patent it. The cheapest and most effective way to do this is with a provisional patent application.


Services available here: PERFECT PENDING PACKAGE™



3. PROOF OF PRINCIPLE: This is the first basic build of your invention. The idea is to use as few materials, and with as little cost as possible. This step can give you valuable information about patenting your invention.


4. NON-PROVISIONAL PATENT APPLICATION: This is the patent application that will be searched and examined by the patent office, and could result in you being awarded a patent. You should only file a non-provisional after you’ve done the PROOF OF PRINCIPLE step, which can be important in showing you what you should and shouldn't try to patent. This step can be carried out later in THE INVENTOR’S JOURNEY™ in some cases.


Services available here: LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package



5. PRODUCT DESIGN: This is the step where your invention concept is designed into a final looking product, usually within 3D software, (although 3D software is not always required). This step prepares your invention for prototyping, and in some cases, parts of the design can be 3D printed for your prototype.


6. PROTOTYPE: This is where your invention really turns into a final product. The idea of the prototype step is to make a real version of your product that’s as close to how the final product will look and function as possible. Arguably the most important step of THE INVENTOR’S JOURNEY™, the prototype will be critical to your chances of licensing or crowdfunding your invention, and will feature heavily in your Trailer Video (step 8).


7. TARGET YOUR MARKET: This is your introduction to Marketing, where we target the exact niche that has the most instant emotional need for your product. The key is to be very specific, and not just think that ‘everybody’ will love your invention. Once your particular niche is targeted in this step, all your marketing material will be targeted toward that niche in the next step.


8. TRAILER VIDEO: The most powerful presentation tool in the world. A Trailer Video is a 60-90 second explainer video of your invention, showing your prototype in action. Professionally scripted and storyboarded, voice talent and background music are optional.


10. CROWDFUND: If you’re going to bring your invention to market yourself, you may need tens of thousands of dollars (or more) for tooling, manufacturing, further patent costs, and the cost of your first order batch. Your best option is to Crowdfund. Kickstarter is the favourite choice and has a greater than 1 in 3 success rate. IndieGogo is another popular choice.


9. LICENSE: If you don't want to bring your invention to market yourself, you’ll need to license your product to a company who’ll bring it to market for you, paying you as part of the agreement. Ironically, trying to crowdfund your invention can actually increase the chances of successfully licensing it. Your Trailer Video, in either case, gives you a far greater chance of success.



The Inventor's Journey™ is split into 3 STAGES, which are colour-coded on The Inventor's Journey™ Map

The Stages are:




This is where you get patent pending by getting a world-class patent search, and then filing a provisional patent application for what comes back clear from the search.





This is where you enter into the true ‘invention development’ part of The Inventor’s Journey™, but it also includes the non-provisional patent application step. The non-provisional is filed only after the invention has been built, proved and better understood at the Proof Of Principle step. This helps make sure your invention is claimed perfectly (and patented perfectly) with the non-provisional patent application.





The most exciting part of The Inventor’s Journey™. After the final prototype has been made at the end of STAGE 2, you target your market (step 7), have a Trailer Video of your invention made (a 60-90 second explainer/sales video, featuring your prototype), and then move on to use the Trailer Video as part of your Crowdfunding campaign, or to help you disclose your invention to potential licensees for licensing. The Trailer Video hugely optimizes the chances of getting success with either.

© Copyright SHIINE® LTD &/or SHIINE® ENTERPRISE LTD 2015 All Rights Reserved