Congratulations on making it through The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Inventors Make™. If you've made it this far, you know that the invention development industry is not what you thought it was. Your invention represents a Dream, and bringing a part of yourself to the world. But it also poses an incredible challenge to you- how to make it through the maze of the invention development industry? The fields of Patenting and Invention Development are specialized fields, and many steps need to be completed for you to have the best chance of bringing this invention of your's to the world successfully. In each of those fields (Patenting and Invention Development), severe dangers await you; in the field of Invention Development, you have The Sorcerer to contend with:
The Sorcerer, who's cast a spell over the invention development industry, turning over more than $50 Million/yr from inventors, with an invention development model that has a less than 1 in 1000 success rate at generating profit for inventors. Find out who he is (and his company) in Deadly Mistake #1 You also have other companies to contend with, like Inventhelp, who have a less than 1 in 200 success rate with their model. It's as if there are sharks all around you, just waiting to bite. It's as if this Dream of your's, whilst it represents so many positive things for you, also puts you in huge danger, as these forces to to capitalize on the passion you have for it, by taking you down routes that lead to almost inevitable doom for your invention. And you've also crossed paths with the Patenting Dragon, which jealously guards over the treasure of perfect patent protection on your invention:
The Patenting Dragon is a fearsome enemy, and represents all the fears you have at losing, or failing to get, perfect patent protection on your invention. The Fate (and Destiny) of your patent protection can hinge on one word, or even the ending of a word. That's what a knife-edge you, and your invention, are on. No wonder so many inventors have fallen to the Patenting Dragon. You, however, will be different. And this all brings you to a point; a set point in Space and Time- a crossroads in your life. Right now, you live in The Ordinary World- the world where people work 9 to 5. The world where people live out their lives, content simply to be part of the world. You've lived in this world, but a separation has occurred in you. More and more, you're finding yourself at odds with this "ordinary" world. This is not the life you were born to lead- you were born for something more. Perhaps it's the amount of hours you're being forced to work. Perhaps it's the mundanity or boredom of the job you work, or perhaps your invention represents a way for you to break free of present financial constraints. But whatever it is, that Ordinary World is now over for you. You were born for something more. And this split that's occurred due to your invention leaves you with a problem..... As important as The 7 Deadly Mistakes is, it's really just preparation; preparation for an even greater challenge that awaits you- a challenge upon which hinges not just your own future, but the future of the whole world: The challenge to Master The Art that holds the key to Your Destiny- to Master The Art of Invention Development. But I have to be honest with you. You are woefully under-prepared for this challenge. So I'm going to give you a gift from the 'New World' you're about to step into; the solution for you're going to move into this new area in your life. But it requires that you leave the Ordinary World behind- that you move into this New World of Invention Development, where the currency is Mastery of the Art of Invention Development, and that you do so with total commitment. The solution I give to you is The Inventor's Journey™, and the gift is The Inventor's Journey™ Map to Invention Success: Your Destiny is now very simple; there are 10 steps between you, and you fulfilling your Destiny of infusing Society with the Divine Magic and Energy of your invention. You are truly in a Heroic Battle to bring a part of yourself to the world, and you should be PROUD of your position. You are a unique individual, who doesn't settle for 'good enough', and despite the rigours of the world, you've maintained a part of yourself that is child-like, and full of wonder. Provided you can protect that side of yourself, and ally it to commitment, and prudent thinking, that makes you an asset. Each step of The Inventor's Journey™ that you complete gets you one giant step closer to fulfilling your Destiny. Here are the 10 steps: 1. PATENT SEARCH
2. PROVISIONAL PATENT (To get patent pending)
10. LICENSE This has now become Biblical- a race through Space and Time for you to bring this piece of the future (your invention) into the present moment. Will you distort Spacetime and become Master of the invention development industry? WHAT YOU GET When you sign up for The Inventor's Journey™, you get the following: Your own cabin aboard SHIINE® ENTERPRISE
This amounts to you having your own user-interface, where all your programs and products are available, and where you can log in, taking your invention forward through each step of The Inventor's Journey™ The Inventor's Journey™ Video Series
Jethro, THE CAPTAIN™ of SHIINE® ENTERPRISE, will take you through The Inventor's Journey personally. You'll get a video for each step of The Inventor's Journey™, so you can see it in action, and why it's going to work for your invention Examples of The Inventor's Journey™ in action
As Jethro takes you through The Inventor's Journey™, you'll see the example of Discshine™, next generation shoe polisher and first invention of SHIINE®, being taken to market with The Inventor's Journey™ system. This will show you how the system works so you can do just the same for your invention Other inventors using The Inventor's Journey™
You'll also see examples of other inventors who have worked with SHIINE®, and see their inventions going through The Inventor's Journey™ and being taken to market and patented. This will include SERFPAD® (by John Schweiter) and TheBrushUp® (by Tom Schultheis) Navigating Your Journey
You'll also be told how you can use The Inventor's Journey™ Map to show you exactly what you need to do next, even if you've already completed many of the steps before starting The Inventor's Journey™. So even if you've achieved much already with your invention (eg prototyped it, or patented it already), The Inventor's Journey™ is still for you, and it can show you exactly why you're struggling to get success with your invention by pointing out the steps of The Journey that you've missed Access to world-class programs, products, and services
You'll gain access to incredible programs, products, services and information not available to inventors not signed up to The Inventor's Journey™. This includes STAGE 2 and STAGE 3 services (Only STAGE 1 services of The Inventor's Journey™ are available to inventors who are not signed up to The Inventor's Journey™) PRICES I have to charge to take you on The Inventors Journey™ to make sure inventors that take part are fully committed to this new move in their life. The price, however, is little more than a patent search, and is less than ONE FIFTEENTH what Davison sometimes charge for their invention development service which has a less than 1 in 1000 success rate. You can pay in 3 monthly installments of $369 (Total $1107), or pay in one payment of just $997. NO RISK MONEY BACK The Inventor's Journey™ comes with a totally risk-free no questions asked money back guarantee. If you're not happy, just email and request a refund at any time within 30 days of signing up, and you'll receive an instant refund. SUMMARY You have been given a Dream- a Dream that now calls you on a mystical and magical Journey through Space and Time to Master The Art of Invention Development- the Art that holds the key to your Destiny. You will face terrible challenges, and go through intense training. You will meet new friends (and enemies), and will finally prevail and become Master of everything you survey. Start The Inventor's Journey™ now! The future of the world depends on it.

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The Inventor's Journey™

Map to Invention Success™


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The 7 Deadly Mistakes That Inventors Make™

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