The LightSpeed™ Patent Package ticks all your boxes

The LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package is elite, fast, and inexpensive.


As Tom Schultheis says, ''Start with Jethro''. It's really the only thing that makes sense.

Your patent CLAIMS (and part of your application) are drafted by Jethro, one of the most elite patent specialists in the invention industry, and an expert on getting perfect patent protection.

The USPTO may take up to 3 years (or more) to send out your first results report. But with the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package, courtesy of the UK Patent Office (UKIPO), you'll get your results back in 2 months (or quicker).

Standard price for a US Patent Attorney to draft, file, and prosecute your patent application is around $6000-$15,000. With the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package, it's only $777 + patent office filing fees, with vast savings to come as you move to multiple patent offices.





If your patent CLAIMS are allowed at the UK Patent Office (UKIPO) in their accelerated search and examination, then your results can be used to fast-track your search and examination, totally free, at the USPTO, EPO, and many other different patent offices worldwide, via something called the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH). Essentially, the PPH is an agreement between many of the top patent offices so that, if a patent application has CLAIMS allowed at one participating patent office, search and examination of the same patent CLAIMS can be freely accelerated at one of the other participating patent offices. This is hugely beneficial to you, because you get accelerated processing at many patent offices, for no extra cost, and it's beneficial to the participating patent offices, because it can streamline their workflow and processing times.

The 4 Steps That Are Hopefully Going To Result In You Having a LightSpeed™ Patent Allowed

Documents and Preparation


I amend your provisional patent application, to make sure both the CLAIMS and the Description conform to UK Patent Office (UKIPO) standards. I also prepare a special document to file with your application, requesting accelerated search and examination. This is what can lead to your application being searched and examined in 2 months or less.



Once we've gone over the slight amendments, and you're happy with all the documents, I'll file your patent application at the UK Patent Office, with the acceleration request. Within around 3 weeks, we'll hear back whether the acceleration request has been allowed. Once allowed, it's a waiting game, with your results due just 8 weeks after your initial filing date.

Results Come Back


Your search and examination results will come back in around 2 months. I check through the results, and assess them. I then contact you to discuss the results and explain to you what they mean. If the examiner has allowed all your patent claims, I'll make you aware of this. If not, I'll take you through the results, and explain where your patentability lies.

US Leg, European Leg, or Worldwide!


If important patent claims have been allowed by the UK Patent Office examiner, I have materials in place to allow you to go through the same process at the USPTO, and possibly the EPO (Europe), or even file an International (PCT) application. This is all aided by your claims being allowed at the UK Patent Office, so the results at the UKIPO are of incredible importance.

Schedule Your Assessment

The LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package and PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION™ starts with the PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™. Schedule your free patentability assessment now.

Tom Schultheis, Santa Barbara, USA

Tom explains why it's so important you start with Jethro's material, programs, and help at SHIINE® ENTERPRISE.

Steps and Pricing

UK Leg (Payment 1), to get documents ready


UK Leg (Payment 2), for filing and initiation

$377 (+ £230 ($350) UKIPO Filing Fees)

US Leg

Only $777 (+ USPTO Filing Fees)


Only $777 (+ EPO/PCT Filing Fees)


UK Leg: Only $777 (+ Filing Fees)

US Leg: Only $777 (+ Filing Fees)

Worldwide/European Leg: Only $777 (+ Filing Fees)

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