The PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION™ is a 3 step system that GUARANTEES getting you a PERFECT PATENT on your invention (if your invention merits it), at a fraction of the cost of using a patent attorney, and at LIGHTSPEED™.

Standard Patent Attorney Cost:


Patent Application

Patent Search

Provisional Patent















+ fees




The PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION™ breaks patenting of your invention into the main 3 steps required:


1) Patent Search (to check if your invention is patentable)


2) Provisional Patent Application (to get you patent pending)


3) Non-provisional Patent Application (to get your application searched and examined at the patent office, and hopefully awarded a patent)


One thing that’s so clever about the PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION™ is that each step integrates into the next step, meaning that not only do you achieve the step you’re on, but each step you complete helps you complete the next as well.


Here’s how it works:







The PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™ is one of the best patent searches in the industry, and itself comprises 3 steps:





The first step is for you to meet with the Captain of SHIINE® ENTERPRISE, Jethro L Bennett, for an initial 30 minute patentability assessment. This is done in complete confidentiality as an NDA (confidentiality agreement) is signed by Jethro, before you even meet.




The assessment is always carried out via Skype. The reason for this is not only does Skype allow for free communication, it also allows for free video call (which can be useful if you already have a prototype built of your invention, and want to show how it works, on-screen), and also, crucially, screen-share function. So if you have drawings or any saved files on your computer showing your invention, you can screen-share and show Jethro live, during the meeting.


You will be required to have Skype in order to get the assessment, so download Skype free here if you haven’t got Skype already. It’s free and allows you to call anyone else in the world that has Skype, absolutely free!



During The Assessment


During the assessment, the first 10 minutes will be taken up by a quick introduction between you and Jethro, and Jethro getting to know the problem(s) your invention solves, and the basic background of the field of your invention.





The next 10 minutes or so are taken up by Jethro getting ‘mastery’ of your invention, and fully understanding and getting to grips with what it is.





The last 10 minutes are when the magic happens (from your point of view). Having ascertained the problem(s) your invention solves, and having attained mastery of understanding your invention, Jethro now sets about drafting what’s called a ‘CLAIM 1’ for your invention. This is effectively a definition of your invention, but in patenting language. (It’s this ‘CLAIM 1’ that could go on to get you a PERFECT PATENT when it’s searched and examined at the patent office).


This CLAIM 1 then goes on to form the basis of the patent search. Jethro also drafts 5 or 6 of what’s called ‘dependent claims’. These define the next most important inventive features of your invention, and they will also be searched. The reason this is so good from your point of view is that, even if the CLAIM 1 (your main inventive concept) is found to be non-patentable by the search, the next most important inventive features of your invention will also be searched. So even if the PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™ reveals that you can’t patent your main inventive idea perfectly, it may show you can still get more limited (but still very important) patent protection on the next most important feature(s). This type of CLAIM building can only be done by highly skilled patent practitioners.



2. The Search


If all goes well in the assessment, you’ll be emailed by Jethro to confirm he fully understood your invention, and has successfully drafted the patent claims that will form the basis of the PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™. If you want to go ahead and initiate the search, you’ll have to pay the first payment of $495 to get the search under way.



Former Patent Office Examiner


The actual search of your PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™ will be carried out by Examiner X, a former patent office examiner at the UK patent Office (UKIPO) of 4 years. He also served for 20 years in the British Army/RAF as an avionics warfare systems expert, so he’s an extremely skilled professional.



Former Patent Office Examiner and avionics warfare systems expert for the British Royal Air Force

Conducting your patent search

Examiner X uses the CLAIMS drafted by Jethro to do the search for your invention. The great thing about this is that this is actually exactly how a patent office search works. So when you hire a patent attorney to draft and file a full non-provisional patent application (standard cost $6000), they include patent CLAIMS in the application, which are then searched and examiner by a patent office examiner at the patent office. With the PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™, you get this exact same procedure, for a fraction of the price, and it’s done within a week.



3. Results


Once the Captain’s received the results from Examiner X, he writes up a special PDF document, which includes the results, and links to all the ‘PRIOR ART’ found in your search by Examiner X (so you can view them on Google Patents, Espacenet, etc), plus the Captain’s findings as to where your patentability lies. If the search comes back clear, you may be able to get a PERFECT PATENT on your invention.


You’ll be emailed, and to receive your results and your optional 15 minute Skype call with the Captain to get feedback as to the results, you’ll need to put in the second payment of $400. You’ll then be emailed the results.


Here’s a review from one very happy inventor who got the PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™, and what he thought about the results report he received:

The ideal result is that the CLAIM 1 comes back clear from the search. That means you may be able to get a PERFECT PATENT on that EXACT claim in your future non-provisional patent application. But even if the CLAIM 1 doesn’t come back clear from the search, if any of the lesser CLAIMS come back clear, then it means you may well be able to get important and useful patent protection. If this happens, the Captain will explain to you what your best strategy is for getting the best patent protection possible.



(You get this $45 tutorial free when you get the PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™)



You’ve just completed step 1 of the PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION™. Now it’s on to getting patent pending on your invention with a provisional patent application.



The best thing about the PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION™ is how the steps integrate with each other. Not only does this make the PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION™ the most elegant patenting solution for inventors in history, but it also makes it quicker, more exciting, and far more inexpensive, since the work done on each step then streamlines the process for the steps after.





So after your PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™ is done, you’ll have a list of patent claims that came back clear from the search. Those patent claims will now form the basis of getting PERFECT PATENT PENDING STATUS on your invention with a provisional patent application.


The PERFECT PENDING™ PACKAGE itself has 3 steps:





The Captain uses the patent CLAIMS that came back clear from the PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™ to draft what we call your PERFECT PATENT™ SNIPPET. This snippet is effectively your patent CLAIMS converted into a block of text that can be put straight into your provisional patent application. If done properly, this gets you perfect patent pending status.


But the Captain also does something very clever- he numbers up the main features of the CLAIMS. So after each key feature of your invention that’s mentioned in your CLAIMS, he puts a special number after it.


Now, with just one simple drawing of your invention (or maybe several, from different views) these numbers can be used to also number up the drawing, simply by pointing to each key feature in the drawing, and numbering it with the same number that was given to it in the CLAIMS:




The shoe cleaning device 10 comprises a housing 12, a cleaning disc 14, a motor 16, mounted sideways within the housing 12 and extending beyond a central axis A1 of the cleaning disc, and a non-central gearing solution 18, to route rotation back to the central rotational axis A1 of the cleaning disc 14.


It just so happens this is how patent applications are drafted!


Once your PERFECT PATENT™ Snippet is completed, you’ll be emailed a link to your payment of $469, which includes payment for the PERFECT PATENT™ Snippet, and for Patent Pending Package™. At this point, the clever stuff happens.


The price for the PERFECT PATENT™ Snippet is usually $250, but you get a discount of $150 on your first invention, making it $100. The price of the Patent Pending Package™ is $369, taking your total to $469.



2. Patent Pending Package™


Once your payment has gone through, you’ll receive your PERFECT PATENT™ Snippet, and access to all your Patent Pending Package™ programs (value of $369), which includes iPerfectPending™. iPerfectPending™ makes it incredibly easy for you to use your PERFECT PATENT™ Snippet to get perfect patent pending status, because your PERFECT PATENT™ Snippet is included in your special PERFECT PENDING™ Template document, and iPerfectPending™ shows you how to complete the document in no time, which can then be filed as a provisional patent application. In some cases, it can take less than 1 hour!!!


And remember, because your provisional patent application contains your PERFECT PATENT™ Snippet, it almost guarantees you get PERFECT patent pending status.


Crucially, your PERFECT PENDING™ Template guarantees that your application not only conforms to provisional patent application standards, but also to NON-provisional patent application standards! (This will be important in the next step of the PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION™, where a slightly amended version of this same application will be filed as a NON-provisional patent application to get you a PERFECT PATENT in the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package). The PERFECT PENDING™ Template makes this incredibly easy.



3. Filing Your Provisional Patent Application


Getting PERFECT PENDING™ status is all finished off with the USPTO Filing Video. Simply open up the program iPatentPending™ (another of the 3 programs you get as part of the Patent Pending Package™, and click on the USPTO Filing Video tab. It shows a super-simple video walkthrough of how to file your provisional patent application via the USPTO website. (They have an online filing system which takes only minutes to use.


Simply open up a new window on your computer, go to the USPTO website, and do exactly what you see in the video, pausing as you go along, and doing it bit-by-bit.


Within minutes, you’ll have filed your provisional patent application and will receive an official patent application number immediately on the USPTO online system.

This screen-capture image (taken from the USPTO Filing Video of iPatentPending™) shows a patent application number being automatically generated by the USPTO online filing system, the moment you finish filing. Once you know what you're doing, it only takes around 5 minutes to file. This patent application number means you're now officially patent pending, worldwide, for 12 months. You then have the option to download an official USPTO filing receipt, and save it to your computer.

You’re now patent pending worldwide, for 12 months, for only $65 in USPTO filing fees!! That’s all it costs to file a provisional patent application.


UK inventors should not file via the USPTO website, and instead can jump straight to step 3 of the PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION™, where their application will be filed directly at the UKIPO to be searched and examined, at LIGHTSPEED™. All other inventors (from the US and all non-UK territories) should file a provisional patent application at the USPTO first. Read More

Reviews of the USPTO Filing Video:



Once you’ve got patent pending status with your provisional patent application, it’s full steam ahead with getting a PERFECT PATENT on your invention.





As mentioned, the clever thing about the PERFECT PENDING™ PACKAGE is that your provisional patent application also confirms to full NON-provisional patent application standards. This means it can be filed as a full NON-provisional patent application, without you having to use a patent attorney to do any more work!


And remember, it contains your world-class patent CLAIMS, drafted by the Captain of SHIINE® ENTERPRISE, which are the KEY to you getting a PERFECT PATENT on your invention. This saves you around $5000 or more on fees you’d otherwise have to pay a patent attorney or patent agent to get a non-provisional patent application drafted, filed, and prosecuted to patent.


Non-Provisional Cost:







+ £230 filing fees

*There may be a small £250 charge at a later point if amendments are required to the Description of your application to get your patent through to grant.



The LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package isn’t called LIGHTSPEED™ for no reason…


Did you know that it often takes 2-3 years to get your search and examination results back from the USPTO after you’ve filed your non-provisional patent application there? The problem with that is that, by that time, your 12 month patent pending status from your provisional patent application is well gone, which is not good at all.


On top of that, waiting so long for patentability results can leave you in limbo, and hurt your chances of being able to license your invention. It can also make it impossible, without first receiving your results from the patent office, to commit to going for broader worldwide patent protection, at a variety of different patent offices, which a patent attorney could charge up to $40,000 or more for.


But the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package leverages one of the fastest and best patent offices in the world, and the home patent office of SHIINE® ENTERPRISE- the UK Patent Office (UKIPO).



UK Leg


If the UKIPO accept a request for accelerated search and examination of your patent application (which can be requested free of charge), then as standard, rather than the 2-3 years that it may take to get results from the USPTO, the UKIPO will send your search and examination results back in 2 months, or sometimes quicker.


One of our inventors who went for the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package got their results back in under 4 weeks.


This is a huge advantage to you in patenting your invention, and gives you feedback from a world-class patent office, well within your patent pending status from your provisional patent application. This, allied to the extreme savings in cost, puts you in the PERFECT POSITION to be able to decide whether to then go for US patent protection, or even European or Worldwide patent protection with a PCT application.



Prices for the UK Leg


To get the process under way, which will include amending your patent application and CLAIMS to confirm to UK standards, as well as preparing your request for accelerated search and examination, you will have to put in the first payment of just $400.


Once everything is prepared, you’ll be emailed a link for the second payment of  $377, after which you’ll be sent the application for one last check through. If you’re happy with the application, final payment of £230 will be required, which is the official filing fee that SHIINE® ENTERPRISE must pay the UKIPO for them to search and examine your application. Once paid, your application will be filed for you by Jethro.



Your Patent Allowed


If the UK patent office examiner deems your CLAIM 1 to be allowable for patent, that is the closest thing possible to having your patent granted. Your patent can’t actually officially be granted until after it’s published, at which point the examiner will then do a final ‘top-up’ search to check no new prior art has come up to block your patent. In the meantime, having your patent CLAIMS ‘allowed’ by the examine is the next best thing, and gives you several huge advantages when it comes to getting US or European patent protection.


We call this leg of the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent package (at the UK Patent Office) the UK Leg.



US Leg (And Acceleration Of Your US Patent)


If your UK patent application claims are allowed by the UK Examiner, it opens up two amazing possibilities for you, which will not only save you thousands (or tens of thousands) of dollars, but will hugely accelerate your ability to get a US patent, and patents granted at many different pattern offices in the world.


The two amazing things are that:


1) you can file an almost identical application to your UK patent application at the USPTO (and other patent offices). If the UK Examiner has allowed your patent, it's very likely or possible that a US Examiner at the USPTO (or any other patent office) will also do the same. By filing an almost identical patent application you can again avoid using a patent attorney and all the costs that come with that.


2) via something called the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) once your patent CLAIMS have been allowed at the UK patent office other, patent offices that are signed up to the PPH agreement (such as the USPTO, EPO (European patent office), and others) will accelerate search and examination of your patent application, at no extra cost. This can mean, if your patent has been allowed in the UK leg of the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package, the USPTO may search and examine your patent application in months, rather than the 2 to 3 years they often take. This could have dramatic effects on your ability to licence your invention if you get a UK and a US patent allowed or granted, because many companies will not enter into licensing deals until a patent has actually been granted/allowed.


See more about the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) on the official Wikipedia page here, or on the USPTO website here.


To get your UK patent application and CLAIMS amended to conform to USPTO requirements (important), and to have any CLAIM amendments made if your CLAIM 1 was not found to be allowable, you’ll need to make the first payment of $400.


Once all the amendments are done you'll be emailed a link for your second payment of $377, at which point you receive extremely high quality video tutorials showing you how to download and fill out the relevant USPTO forms you need to file in order to file your non-provisional patent application via the USPTO website. This is much like the USPTO Filing Video for filing your provisional patent application in the Patent Pending Package™.


Once you file, you have successfully avoided hiring a patent attorney and have saved another $1000 to $3,500 in patent attorney fees.


On filing, you will also have to pay the official USPTO filing fee for a non provisional patent application of $400 (Micro-entity status), or $800 (if your annual household income was more than $150,000 last year).



European/Worldwide Leg


In the third leg of the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package, you have a choice.


That savings of money that the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package gives you opens up options that may not have been available to you before, due to budget limitations.


One very good option is to file a patent application at the EPO (European Patent Office). The benefit of the EPO is that it allows you to get a binding patent that gives you patent protection in many different European countries, without having to file at them all separately.


In the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package, if you elect to file at the EPO, it works in much the same way as the US Leg, in that you’ll pay a first payment of $400 to receive any amendments to the application required to conform to EPO requirements, and will then pay a second payment of $377 to receive your application and high quality video tutorial footage of how to file your patent application via the EPO online filing system. Again, this allows you to  avoid using a patent attorney and paying all the associated costs. It’s not uncommon for patent attorneys to charge $5000 or more, simply to carry out this process.


You will also have to pay the official EPO filing fees.



Acceleration Via the PPH


Yet again, the EPO is signed up to the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH). Therefore again, you will receive free acceleration of your search and examination by the EPO.



US and European Patent Protection


At this point, if all goes well, your patent CLAIMS will have been allowed at the UKIPO, USPTO, and EPO. It’s extremely likely your patent will go on to be granted, giving you US and European protection of your invention. This is incredibly powerful patent protection to have. Historically, most individual inventors did not have the budget to achieve this. The LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package makes it possible for you, at LIGHTSPEED™, for a fraction of the price. But there’s an even more powerful option…



Worldwide (PCT) Leg


You can’t get a ‘worldwide’ patent- there’s no such thing as a patent that protects you worldwide- they only protect you for the particular territory that the patent office you get the patent granted at has jurisdiction of.


But you can file what’s called a PCT (Patent Co-operation Treaty) application. You’ll still have to file patent applications at all the patent offices you want a patent at, but the PCT application does two very important things:


1) It extends your 12 month deadline


Usually, you have 12 months after your provisional patent application, within which to file your full NON-provisional patent applications at any patent offices you want a patent, and ‘CLAIM PRIORITY’ back to your provisional patent application filing date. But if you file a PCT application, it extends your deadline from 12 months (ie one year) to two and a half years (30 months at some patent offices, 31 months at others). This can be very helpful to give you the time you need to get the appropriate funds available for filing at all the patent offices you want a patent at.


2) Within the two and a half years, you can then ‘designate’ patent offices to file at to get your patent. Your PCT application opens up the option of filing at many many patent offices during this period, and any signed up to the Patent Prosecution Highway will again accelerate your search and examination, free of charge, if your CLAIMS were allowed at the UKIPO.



What Will Be Provided


Similar to filing at other patent offices, cost of the PCT/Worldwide Leg of the LIGHTSPEED™ patent Package is $777, and you’ll be provided with a version of your patent application that meets filing requirements, as well as materials that allow you to file the application yourself, thereby avoiding patent attorney costs.



The Drawback


The drawback of both the PCT and EPO filing is that the application fees for both is extremely expensive compared to normal patent offices. Whilst SHIINE® ENTERPRISE and the PERFECT PATENT SOLUTION can save you all your patent attorney costs, it cannot affect official patent office filing fees, and the filing fees at either the PCT or EPO are several thousand dollars.


However, the LIGHTSPEED™ Patent Package saves you so much money on patent attorney fees, and gets you such quick feedback from the UK Patent Office as to patentability of your CLAIMS that it may open up enough budget for you to commit to, and file, either a PCT or EPO patent application.






It all starts with your free patentability assessment as part of the PERFECT PATENT SEARCH™.


This could be the start of you getting a PERFECT PATENT on your invention, and blocking all competition from competing with your product.


Schedule your assessment now.


© Copyright SHIINE® LTD &/or SHIINE® ENTERPRISE LTD 2015 All Rights Reserved